Commission HF




Réunion intermédiaire du COMITÉ C4 HF à VIENNE - 19-21 avril 2013

Version originale des minutes, en Anglais

Traduction en Français

Compte-rendu du comité C5 (VHF/UHF/Microondes)

Récapitulatif des commentaires et avis
Documents préparatoires
Vos avis (référence du document, oui/non, argumentaire) à : 

Vienna Interim Meeting Agenda 2013 VIE13-C4-01-rev1

RSGB VIE13-C4_02- Amendment to the 28MHz Bandplan in relation to the Amateur Satellite Service

RSGB VIE13-C4_03- Alignment of the 30M Digital Modes Bandplan

NRRL VIE14-C4-04- The future of the 30 m (10 MHz) band

UBA VIE13-C4-05- Assign frequencies for unmanned beacons in all of the HF-bands

NRRL VIE13-C4-06-Bandplan for the 630 m band

RSGB VIE13-C4-07- Operating Practices for the DXpeditioner

RSGB VIE13-C4-08- Operation at 5MHz and WRC15

NRRL VIE13-C4_09- Contest-free 3rd full weekend in October for recruitment of young radio amateurs via Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA)

REF VIE13-C4-10 - CONTEST RULES – Definition of a contest

IARU-R1 VIE13-C4-11-Worldwide alignment of the 160 meter band

IARU R1 VIE13-C4-12-WRC-15 Agenda Items

EDR VIE13-C4-13-Proposal to avoid copy right problems for articles exchanged between IARU, Region 1, magazines.

DARC VIE13-C4-14 - Shortwave links for Digital Communications and Voice